Jun 14Liked by Patina with Dina Aronson

Reading your story about your dad flooded my mind with memories. I always felt your dad was a soft-hearted, sensitive man. His words were loud and abrasive, but I could always feel they came from a place of immense love and concern for you. I always remember feeling safe sleeping over at your house because of all the security and lock-down systems in place. I bet you don't have many memories of conversations or words from my dad. Your dad was always around and sharing his thoughts or concerns. He for sure adored you.

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Thanks for sharing your memories of him- you were one of his favorites (except for the Jeep!). How many times did he check your tire pressure?? LOL xoxo

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Loved the story about your Dad! What a Blessing he was to your Family!

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So happy you enjoyed it- thank you so much!

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Jun 15Liked by Patina with Dina Aronson

I think the Scotty dog you saw was a sign. I so believe in them. xx

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I think so too! I believe...xx

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Jun 14Liked by Patina with Dina Aronson

Thanks for sharing about your dad. It’s interesting how we can understand them more now that we’re older. I often find myself telling my daughters, ‘you may not understand this now but someday when you’re older, you will’ 🌸 and I have to check out I’m not Dead !

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It's so true- as our perspective broadens with experience, it becomes much easier to intuitively connect the dots. They will get it someday! And hope you enjoy the pod!

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Jun 14Liked by Patina with Dina Aronson

Your essay made me teary eyed today. Thank you for sharing your father here with us and - you know - I always look forward to your Friday bits and pieces. xx

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Writing it made me teary- I was feeling heavy all week, unsure whether I would even post it. I don't write about him often, but I realize that when I do I start to feel a little more connected to him and his memory. Thank you for reading it...xx

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Thrilled I led you to I’m Not Dead — the podcast is powerful! xx

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So good!

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