Mar 8Liked by Patina with Dina Aronson

How timely ... as just last night POTUS said (I paraphrase) give me a Democratic congress and I'll restore Roe rights. Astounding that they've been taken away. I so appreciate this piece and your thoughtfulness in general.

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There’s so much that astounds me these days- it can feel like we are living a parallel universe. Which is why I felt like it was important to focus on all that we’ve gained- because some days, in this world, I definitely lose sight of it. And seeing all that’s happened in just our lifetime gives me hope that with passion, commitment and effort, we can keep going and keep making positive change. I so appreciate you, my friend!

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Mar 11Liked by Patina with Dina Aronson

Amazing! I’m turning 50 this year and tell everyone it’s only been in my lifetime that women could do the things you list. Thanks for putting this together, we definitely to remember everything we’ve won!

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Thank you for reading, and happy almost 50! I loved putting it together and seeing it in timeline form. It makes me hopeful for all we can continue to accomplish!

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Mar 9Liked by Patina with Dina Aronson

Great post! As I read it, I felt incredibly humbled, immensely proud, and truly inspired. Thank you.

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Thank YOU! I'm so happy you enjoyed...

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Mar 9Liked by Patina with Dina Aronson

We have gained so much! It’s amazing really. I tell my teen daughters as much as I can remember and thank you for reminding me of more. And the insurance coverage issue for dense breasts has been on my ‘good grief’ list for years…but I have hope!

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I think that's so great that you talk to them about it- it's so important that they understand, especially when so much of the news is negative and can drain the hope right out... And I can't believe insurance still will not cover, when there is much evidence that dense breast are a huge risk factor...

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Mar 8Liked by Patina with Dina Aronson

What a wonderful reminder of the progress that HAS been made for women in the United States, despite the angst we might feel day-to-day, and the perception that we are moving backwards. But you are right, we definitely need to keep fighting the good fight, and always push to be better! So appreciative that you are in my life Dina, and always love reading your beautiful thoughts!

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Thank you so much, Christian- I feel exactly the same! And yes, we fight on!!

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Mar 8Liked by Patina with Dina Aronson

So inspiring what we have accomplished within our lifetime but yes, lots more to do for sure!

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Yes! And seeing the progress reminds me of all that is possible and gives me hope that we can accomplish so much more in our lifetime!

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Mar 8Liked by Patina with Dina Aronson

Such a great read Dina…what a road it has been. I loved reading your mother-in-law’s story - what an amazing woman. Another I wish to have met❤️

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Thank you so much. What a road indeed, and miles to go before we sleep. But as midlife women, we don't sleep anyway, so... And my MIL would have loved you! x

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Mar 8Liked by Patina with Dina Aronson

Great overview of how far we've come, Dina; and perfect day to remind all women that we have so much more left to do. We stand taller and stronger when we stand together.

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Thank you so much Kim. Seeing all that's happened in the course of our lifetime gives me hope and makes me want to keep on keeping on. Women's health care issues are top of mind for me right now- just wrote to my congressman and trying to find some purposeful ways to help push forward...

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Mar 8Liked by Patina with Dina Aronson

Thank you, Dina! I was just recounting a story this morning from my early days in a law firm in Dallas, Texas. Shortly after I joined as a new associate in 1983, along with several other women, we got a memo (way before email) from one of the few women partners that said: "as you know, the firm does not provide life insurance to the women attorneys, so here's a Northwestern Mutual agent you can talk to about buying your own."

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Just wow- thank you for sharing! I don't know why, knowing all I do, I find this shocking, but I do. At a law firm, no less. And I bet that while they implicitly saw women as less valuable (pretty literally via the life insurance exclusion), they billed you out at exactly the same rate as the men!

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