I have been struggling to find the time to do much reading recently but your posts always cut through the noise and land straight in my heart. Thank you, as always, for everything you share. I’ve been thinking of you since your last post (I think) about your back pain. I hope it’s eased somewhat since then. Sending love and gratitude ❤️

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Jul 12Liked by Patina with Dina Aronson

Thank you, lovely friend, for sharing. Your mom’s smile melts me. 💜

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Awww, thank you so much- how I wish you could have met...xx

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Jul 12Liked by Patina with Dina Aronson

I have always learned from you and today is no different. I love your writing and the perspective you bring not just here but in real life. I’m glad that chapter is behind you and excited life has taken you into new spaces and project. Just when you think you have it all together…..onward. xx

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Well I feel the very same about you, wise friend. Thank you, thank you- so very grateful for your friendship and for our ever-expanding collaborations...Onward... xx

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Jul 12Liked by Patina with Dina Aronson

Good vibes to you ! Good vibes to your son ! Reading you is healing. Love to you my beautiful inspiring friend xo!

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What a gorgeous compliment- thank you so much, my friend! Sending love...xx

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Jul 12Liked by Patina with Dina Aronson

❤️YOU ARE AMAZING MY FRIEND! Loved the reference to our old boss….

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Awww thank you! And yes, a true blast from the past- and boy did we need that reminder in those days!! xx

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Dina — I had a similar experience last year with a phrase I used in a piece I wrote. A woman I had become very friendly with felt I “stole” her idea and should have been acknowledged. I wish I could say that being mid-50’s made this accusation not hurt, but like you I was taken aback; I strive to elevate those around me, particularly women. But I knew from previous experiences that she comes from a scarcity mindset and has told me multiple stories where she felt this way of others…my time had simply come. Hated to tell her the phrase was all over my boys’ private school literature and other social media, but she was relentless. We are no longer in touch and I am grateful. In hindsight, she was selfish and not a positive energy in my world. Silver linings.

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Thanks for sharing, Christine, and wow, that's crazy! Sorry you had to go through that- it's not easy, no matter how evolved we may be! Glad you saw it for what it was and cleared that energy from your life. I love your writing- you are a true original!

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Thank you for opening up this forum with your vulnerable story ❤️

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Jul 12Liked by Patina with Dina Aronson

Love this writer! ❤️

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Thank you but I think you might be a little biased! ❤️

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This comment landed straight in my heart, Skylar- thank you so much! Years ago when I was getting ready to launch Patina (1.0), I heard someone in an interview say that before any kind of post, he always asked himself something like "is this noise, or is there some value in what I'm saying?" I have long since forgotten who that interviewee was, but the message has stayed with me, which makes this comment so special. And thank you- my back is better! We've moved on to an achy hip lol. xo

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So sorry you went through all this, Dina. ❤️🙏 What beautiful pics of you in your creative space now, with your beautiful designs - and so exciting for your son!! 🤩 Sending 💗🙏🫶!!!

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